The Scapegoats Story
ScapeGoats is a woman-owned business, and the machine only works well, with the help and support of some pretty fabulous men!
ScapeGoats was born out of need, after my family purchased a 20 acre farm in Lincoln, CA. The farm is home to hundreds of oak trees, pasture grasses, weeds and vines on a steep, hilly, and uneven terrain. We needed a fire-safe, eco-friendly, and competitively priced option to reduce the fire fuel while mitigating invasive species like poison oak, Himalayan blackberry, and noxious weeds like Star Thistle and Medusa Head.
Go Goats Go!
Having grown up with livestock, we knew the opportunity was ripe for goats and set out to find a team of varying breeds to address our diverse menu. We decided to adopt an all-male team of full size Boers, Lamanchas and Kikos.
With each breed having their own dietary preferences and habits, we are able to effectively address diverse grazing needs. Additionally, we have brought our own 20 acres into a sustainably managed, rotational process of fire fuel reduction and vegetation management, abating poison oak & blackberry.