
  1. Let’s schedule a SITE VISIT to assess your project for vegetation types, forage density, terrain and access to water. This enables us to understand your objectives, properly scope your project, & address your questions.

    **We have a 2-acre minimum** Less than 2-acres? Consider engaging your neighbors or expanding your project area.

  2. Site visits are done on Mondays. We charge $100 for this consult - if you accept our bid, we will apply a $50 credit toward your balance due.

  3. Once bids are accepted, a 10% deposit is required to secure you on the schedule. Scheduling is subject to: types of forage, optimal graze practices for that forage, job location, & job duration.

  4. In the days prior to the goats arrival, we will schedule time to get perimeter fence lines cleared, electric netting installed, solar energizers powered, water sourced, etc. Some tools and supplies will remain on site to address potential needs during our stay.

  5. Arrival day - Ensure a clear path for the truck and trailer access to the grazing area. Once the goats are unloaded, we double check everything, again, before heading out. We will be back DAILY to ensure the fence perimeter is safe, confirm water is available for the animals, feed the livestock guardian dog, and check the general welfare of the herd.

    Our livestock guardian dog, GHOST, is a 6 yr. old Akbash and takes his job VERY seriously. He is NOT a pet - he is 100% working while with the team on the job. Thank you for honoring him by keeping your interactions with him to a minimum.

  6. The team will consume 1-acre in 4 - 6 days, depending on the forage quality, density, and the heat. Job completion will be determined by ScapeGoats based on your objectives, industry targeted grazing standards, and in support of the goat’s welfare and safety.

  7. Payment for our grazing services is due ON THE DAY WE DEPART your property. Cash is preferred.


Pricing is based on the following factors: forage quality & density, terrain and slope, difficulty to fence, & access to water.

  • Regional grasses, light brush and some trees on relatively flat to gently rolling ground: $850 -$1000 per acre

  • Dense regional grasses, laden tree skirts, heavy brush, incl. blackberry and/or poison oak on relatively steep or rocky terrain: $1000 - $1800 per acre

  • Animal transportation: $350 covers both the drop-off and the pick-up within our service area.

Pricing includes: set-up and take-down of electric net fencing, solar energizers to power fencing, on-site water set-up, on-site livestock guardian dog, and daily welfare checks.